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Tyler VandenAvond

“Podcast host, TikTok content creator, and Twitch streamer! Oh, and I'm a lawyer, but that's not too cool... Would love to collab!”


About Me

After landing my first adult job three years ago I thought all of my childhood hobbies and interest would disappear. Instead, I've used my adult money to double down on those hobbies and interest. Anime, manga, video games, and collecting trading cards; nothing much has changed since I was a kid, only now I have disposable income that goes towards fueling my hobbies!

Outside of my day-to-day job I am a co-host on an anime podcast called Baka&Company, I regularly make content on TikTok as MagicallyAverage, and I stream video games on Twitch alongside many of my friends. I love sharing my hobbies and interests with others, but be careful because I will bore you to death with how much I can talk about FLCL and the beauty of old school anime.

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