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Trevor Alexander

“I write about how UI / UX Designers can build an unbreakable career using uncommon approaches that goes beyond worrying about portfolios.”


About Me

I've been an active designer in the tech industry for over sixteen years, including being a part of three successfully sold start-ups with responsibilities ranging from solitary designer to design lead to VP of Product. I've had the pleasure of working with, hiring, and managing many designers during the course of my career.

I’ve made amazing bonds with some great colleagues, largely through the actions prescribed in my writing. Fortuitously, I have never needed a portfolio or resume during my career as they’re always eager to bring me along on their adventures.

I’ve just finished writing a book titled “An Ugly Design Career” which looks to provide some unusual or unorthodox tactics for designers to help grow their careers, including “Design Through Ambiguity”, “The Best Isn’t Always The Best”, and “Developers Get You More Work Than Other Designers”. 

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