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Tony Kitchens

“Current circumstances don’t determine your destiny. Entrepreneur shares why you have much more to offer the world, than what you might think”


About Me

Hi, I'm Tony Kitchens and I'm an author, entrepreneur and philanthropist. I've experienced highs and lows in both my personal life and my business. I believe that everyone can change their perspective on fear, pain and challenges and use them as fuel to create an amazing life. 

My businesses have generated more than $100 million in revenue and serviced the largest multi-national corporations in the world. I am on a mission to help as many people around the world by sharing my wisdom.

Owning and operating a business requires dedication, determination, persistence, hard work and faith. These are traits that are developed over time, but you must be willing to set out on the journey and take a leap of faith in order to realize them.

I've lived an amazing life, traveled the world and owned every "toy" imaginable but the true reward of setting goals and following them is the overwhelming satisfaction you experience when you achieve them.

My message to those interested in business and entrepreneurship is to ignore much of what you see on social media. Connect with people who have built real businesses, managed payrolls, employed hundreds of W2 workers and who have failed, gotten up and tried again.

I'm willing to share the realities of entrepreneurship with anyone looking to start a business and build something that benefits others, provides value to its customers and leaves the world a better place.

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