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Tom Pike

“I am an expert in Early College Education, a way for teens to dramatically improve their motivation and mental health and save them $50,000.”


About Me

I have been a licensed mental health counselor and Community College instructor for about 20 years. I have worked with hundreds of teens (including my son) who transitioned from the traditional high school setting to "Early College". Normally, these teens were not enjoying high school at all. Some were anxious and depressed and when they transitioned to Early College their motivation and mental health typically skyrocketed. Other teens just felt that high school wasn't relevant and they were ready to move on to a more purposeful and independent approach to their education. In Early College, teens take classes on Community College campuses (or online), and those classes double-count towards earning their high school diploma as well as college credit. Teens can finish up to two years of college credit while completing high school and save themselves about $50,000 in higher education expenses. I am passionate about helping teens find an educational path where they feel like they are making meaningful progress in their lives and experience improved self-confidence and motivation. The Early College path can also save them about $50,000 in higher education expenses since they can finish up to two years of college credit for free! If you would like to know more about me and the team of people at Jump Education dedicated to dramatically improving the lives of teens, please visit AND, invite me onto your podcast as a guest. I would love to talk to you!

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