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Profile artwork for Tom Paladino

Tom Paladino

“Founder of Scalar Light Technology, which has created miracles in people's lives by curing HIV, Pathogenic Diseases using only their photos.”


About Me

Tom Paladino is the Founder of Scalar Light Technology, a guaranteed, fast, harmless, and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with quantum illnesses like HIV, Ebola, Herpes, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc.

He has spent decades researching and perfecting the Scalar Light Technology and has helped thousands of people in the process just by using their photos!

He offers 15 days of FREE Scalar Light sessions at

He hopes to continue to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life.

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Profile artwork for Tom Paladino
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