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Tom Kreffer

“I write books about being a dad. Talking about pregnancy and parenthood from a dad’s perspective is an underserved market.”


About Me

I write books in the format of daily journal entries about being a dad. My first book (Dear Dory: Journal of a Soon-to-be First-time Dad) is about pregnancy from a soon-to-be dads perspective. My second book (Dear Arlo: Adventures in Dadding) covers the first year (newborn to one-year-old) – due for release in 2021. I’m writing a third at the moment that looks at the second year of parenthood.

I think I would be a great guest on your show because talking about pregnancy from a dad’s perspective is an underserved market.

Fortunately, there is an increasing focus on encouraging dads to speak up. Still, I feel like this culture shift: placing more importance on the mental health and wellbeing of a dad is in its infancy, and the subject needs more voices – something that I can contribute towards.

Process, performance, habits and routines are passions of mine. I can discuss my writing process, how I utilise journaling techniques, how I’m able to write multiple books at any one time while working a day job, running a property business, and devoting time to family.

A final note about my writing: I’ve had excellent feedback from readers and reviewers, how I’m able to blend humour with profound emotional truth. It pleases me no end that my books make people laugh, relate and reflect. 

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