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Tim Brooks

“I am a free thinker who thinks disagreement leads to growth and can lead to really great discussions. Great Conversation > Everything Else”


About Me

I am a humble man raised in a single-parent household in inner city Philadelphia. Being a tourist in my own city has helped me to appreciate some of the simplest things that most take for granted.

My upbringing has led me to become a very passionate gamer and that passion was my gateway into music, art, manga, anime, and, believe it or not, conversation.

I've also learned to appreciate the most beautiful, frustrating, impatient, tolerant thing of all: People.

If we, the people, are the engine, then conversation is the fuel that drives us. So with that in mind, let's talk, grow, fight, debate, reminisce and laugh via one of the most beautiful arts in the world: Conversation.

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