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Thor Olafsson

“Worked w/ top executives in 35 countries over 20+ years. Talks about ego in leadership & conscious leadership. CEO - Strategic Leadership”


About Me

I am born in Iceland but have been working in Germany since 2004, partnering with global organisations on leadership development.

Founder of 10 businesses in 4 countries I now employ 40+ coaches on global projects....all focused on leadership and organisational development.

The more I work on leadership, the better I understand the importance of us moving beyond our egos. Only then will we be able to create businesses sustainably supporting people, planet and performance.

Publishing a book in 2022: Beyond Ego - The Inner Compass of Conscious Leadership

Launching a global platform for leaders to study how to lead from beyond ego.

Happily married, father of 3, I am a passionate off-piste skier, outdoorsman, reader of books and absolutely love to talk about philosophy and the meaning of life.

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