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Ted Rau

“Almost everyone spends time in meetings and collaborating with teams - how can we make the more productive, connecting and fun?”


About Me

Ted is an advocate, trainer, and consultant for self-governance with sociocracy. After his PhD in linguistics, he encountered systems for peer-oriented governance for organizations and became curious about ways of organizing grassroots groups effectively yet equitably. He is co-founder of Sociocracy For All, a nonprofit with a mission to equip people with the skills and knowledge to self-govern and self-organize. 

Ted identifies as a transgender man; he has 5 children between 8 and 18. Born in Germany, he lives in an intentional community in Massachusetts. He has written many articles and two books on the topic, the sociocracy manual Many Voices One Song (2018) and a how-to-start guide for new groups, Who Decides Who Decides (2021)

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