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Stephanie Krubsack

“Purevant Living Wellness-Eco Creative & Podcast Host | Person & Planet Magazine | Children's Book Author | Travel 🌍 50 Countries |”


About Me

Naturally drawn to the wellness and eco realms, Stephanie Krubsack, founder of Purevant Living, wanted to create a platform that stands for health, wellness, the environment, and giving back, to help companies develop brand identity through digital marketing, podcasting, and hosting wellness events and workshops. Her creative experience began 16 years ago as an editor-in-chief for a magazine and later building personal websites and content through food and travel blogging at SK Parfait. She saw the need to create a platform to bring awareness to amazing products and services that help each of us live our best lives, while keeping the environment in mind. Stephanie is excited to be back in the publishing realm to focus on highlighting “all things good” in the world through Person & Planet Magazine.

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