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Sarah Derige

“Helping women reconnect with their bodies, minds, and spirits to reclaim their health and live their passions.”


About Me

Sarah Derige is a learning fanatic with multiple degrees and certificates including a Bachelor’s in Social Work, Master’s in Administration, training in Functional Nutrition, and Health and Wellness Coaching. Sarah left the corporate grind when she realized that living out of society’s expectations and not her own purpose was creating deep health issues. Seeing the women around her suffering exactly the same way, Sarah spends her time guiding women to reconnect with their purpose and health. Sarah’s mission in life is to let her own light shine bright and help others do the same so that the earth can be a much brighter place.

Sarah specifically focuses on mind, body, and spirit balance. She believes the state of our health is a symptom that tells us how the rest of our life is going. When we reconnect with our purpose and re-align with our passions, healthy habits come much easier.

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