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Sara Rosinsky

“Autonomous Advertising Copywriter & Author of Unflubbify Your Writing: Bite-Sized Lessons to Improve Your Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar”


About Me

Greetings—thanks for considering me for your podcast! A little about me:

My original career goal was to be a stand-up comedian. And even though I loved my stint in stand-up, I eventually decided to focus on my terrific day job in an ad agency.

I got that ad agency job by … advertising!

Here's what happened. I'd graduated from college into a hideous economic environment. So I hung up signs all over Boston's Back Bay that said something very close to "Recent Wellesley graduate and aspiring stand-up comedian available for work" and included those little tear-off phone numbers at the bottom. The signs worked! After getting hired to do all sorts of odd jobs, I ended up scoring a gig in small ad agency on Newbury Street.

I ended up staying in that agency for ten years and learned every aspect of the ad business there. And thanks to invaluable on-the-job training and mentorship, I become a copywriter.

Motherhood intervened and propelled me to leave the agency and opt for the flexibility of freelancing. But eventually, the time was right to go full-time again, and I took a job as a senior copywriter in the outstanding in-house creative department at Publix Super Markets in Florida.

In 2016, I left Publix and fired up my freelancing business—Shiny Red Copy—again. To promote myself, I wrote and designed little lessons to share on LinkedIn about how to avoid common errors in English. (Spelling, grammar, and punctuation.) I made the lessons fun, a bit irreverent, and memorable. Readers liked them and began giving me topic requests.

I kept adding to my lesson library, and eventually, I realized it would be extra useful if I could turn all my lessons into a book, complete with an index. Conveniently, the COVID outbreak kept me at home, fairly free from distraction, and I published Unflubbify Your Writing: Bite-Sized Lessons to Improve Your Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar in February of 2021.

If you invite me on your podcast, I will be happy to send you a copy of my book. Does that sound like bribery? Don't take it that way. But I really think you'll like it, and we'll have plenty to discuss.

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