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Richa Chandra

“Associate Professor of Chemistry & the Co-Host of WISEcast, Women in STEM and Education Podcast: We empower & excite women in STEM fields.”


About Me

Dr. Richa Chandra is a tenured Associate Professor and Research Chair in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX. She completed her doctoral degree in 2006 from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX in bioanalytical chemistry. She also completed a postdoctoral assignment at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in 2009 and published with Nobel Laureate Dr. Brian Kobilka twice. Dr. Chandra teaches General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Advanced Analytical Chemistry, and Quantitative Reasoning for Chemistry Scholars. She is an online teaching coach and innovator for high impact pedagogical practices in education. Outside her faculty responsibilities, Dr. Chandra’s emerging role in her passion project is as the co-founder of The Wisest Women and the co-Host for WISEcast, a podcast for women in STEM and Education. She is actively seeking to eliminate the gender gaps by bringing awareness to the structural and social issues, addressing the challenges, and applauding the victories for women in STEM fields and in education.

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