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Rebecca Lowrie

“Expert in men's sexuality, self-awareness & personal/spiritual development, host of The Sexual Alchemy Podcast, author”


About Me

I've spent over 25 years in the healing, personal/spiritual development world, the last 15 of which have been specifically focused on awakening men to their true erotic nature.

I love chatting about sexuality as a portal to expanded consciousness, deeper self-awareness, and the nature of true intimacy.

How the skills, tools, and practices that make you a magnificent, masterful lover are the same needed for conscious leadership in life and business.

Fundamental to conscious leadership and being a masterful lover are self-awareness, self-leadership, emotional intelligence, ability to be fully present and embodied, good communication, an understanding of power and how to wield it from the heart, confidence, and cultivating your own connection to what's meaningful to you.

I am the author of 101 Meditations for Life, Business and Bedroom Success and host of The Sexual Alchemy Podcast.

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