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Rachel Mumaw

“I'm an author and forever student who loves talking about anything from faith to science to human rights issues, and how they all intersect.”


About Me

Ever since Rachel Mumaw was in elementary school, she would get into trouble for reading when she was supposed to be doing schoolwork. This love of reading, especially for dystopian, sci-fi, and fantasy literature, quickly turned into a love of writing. During her academic career studying human rights, she searched for a way to combine her love of fiction with her passion for social justice. With a BA in human rights and a BS in biology from Southern Methodist University, Rachel focuses on the intersection between LGBTQ+ rights and faith. Her most recent novel is Jericho, a gritty dystopian thriller focusing on the complexities of community, found family, identity, and security.

Outside of writing, Rachel explores her adopted home state of Texas and chases around her two cats.

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