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Peter Paul Parker

“Meditation Coach, & International Ki Gong champion. I've worked in the mind body spirit world for many years & love to share my experience”


About Me

I am a meditation coach, a Ki Gong instructor, Sound healer, public speaker and musician. I have worked for many years in the mind body spirit arena and during my jounrey I have won awards and even become an international Ki Gong champion with the British team in Korea, I work in the UK primarily, and have also been to Korea and the Maldives with my practice. I have worked with UK organisations like the Care and Quality comminssion and local councils. I love talking about the energy body as much as the physical body, and through my emprical evidence, I see that both are just as important. I am also a musician and have an album out called Anahata on New World Music. I am also an online coach and run online courses as well. My goal is to help people realise who they are and reach their full potential. This is so important to me in these very unsettling times we live in. There is a roadmap to living a successful life in these troubling times, and I love to share what I have found using this map.

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