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Paul Rutter

“A customer experience expert and cruise director who has lived with his team and clients for the last 30 years.”


About Me

Having spent over 30 years in the hospitality industry, Paul has discovered how to go beyond a “perfect” customer experience. Through teaching his audience to stop viewing perfect as an end goal, and instead see it as a starting line, Paul encourages companies to stop settling for delivering merely “perfect” service.

Over the past three decades, as a Senior Executive, Paul has managed and guided some of the largest and most luxurious cruise ships in the world, taking him to speak on stages all over the globe where living with his customers, clients and co-workers was a way of life. His time on the high seas has taught him that through approaching customer service with the intent to exceed his customer’s expectations, rather than just meet them, higher levels of customer satisfaction, retention, loyalty, and repeat business can be experienced.

Paul is the author of “Repeat Business Inc: The Business of Staying in Business”, an Advanced Communicator in Toastmasters International, and a member of the National Speakers Association.

Paul has a Bachelor of Science in Education from Boston University, and spent years as an educator before joining the hospitality industry. His time in the classroom gave him the skills to command a room and conduct productive and efficient workshops.

After three decades as a global cruise director who lived with his team and clients, speaker, trainer, and author Paul Rutter knows that “perfect” is just a starting point. He knows that with today’s abundance of options for customers, every single experience they have is critical to running a successful business. Paul helps companies around the world set a standard for unmatched customer service.

Imagine the positive impact on your business if all of your co-workers are striving for their best. Imagine you had vendors providing on-time service and, most importantly, you had customers raving about your company. This would be the epitome of success and is the goal of every company.

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