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Paul Brown

“Paul Brown has written 3 books on climate change & mass extinction: Notes from a Dying Planet, Notes from a Dead Planet, and Birth of Adam.”


About Me

I'm a Professor Emeritus of Physiology who specialized in neuroscience. For the last 20 years I've studied our mass suicide through ecological overshoot (destroying life on Earth through overconsumption of natural resources.. I've spoken on this topic in many different venues and curate a news feed on these topics, Dead Planet News.

Scientists tell us we can no longer afford further delays in restoring the web of life. We have the technical ability to save ourselves if we make big changes in our societies, which will result in far more fulfilling lives for all of us. But the world's governments, corrupted by corporations and the obscenely wealthy, refuse to take necessary steps, so the people must reclaim control, the topic of a book I'm writing: First let's Kill the Oligarchs. Audiences respond with enthusiasm to my message and are eager to learn more.

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