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Pamela Evischi

“Heal your soul, heal your life, and begin living the life you were created to live! A life of passion, purpose, wellness, & Divine intimacy!”


About Me

Hi, my name is Pamela Evischi. I am an everyday average person who had an extraordinary experience of God. Five years ago, in the middle of the night, I heard a voice that said, “It is time for you to write another book, and I want you to call it Courage to Heal.” In my spirit, I immediately knew it was the voice of God. Yet, I began to tell him why I was not qualified to write such a book; I wasn’t a doctor, I didn’t possess the knowledge, credentials, or authority, nor did I even consider myself an author. He quickly pointed out that he was the authority and would show me what to write—end of conversation.

The following day as I contemplated what had happened, I got scared. In the past, God had always taught me through experience. I feared I would be struck down with a major illness or have a severe accident to gain the knowledge from which to write. However, he had other plans, and my healing began from the inside out. For the next three years, God taught me and led me on a crash course to heal the darkness of my soul. I falsely assumed my soul was taken care of because I had been baptized. It soon became apparent that I didn't understand the soul well or even realize my soul needed to be healed. He began revealing all my ways of being that no longer served me, the beliefs and habits that were hindering my life, the emotional pain and trauma that had been stuffed and forgotten, the perpetual generational and mental bondage which caused me harm, and the attachments which created havoc in my life.

Looking back, it would have been much less scary and uncomfortable if the healing I needed had been purely physical. However, I now understand the importance of the soul's health and why the soul is God’s number one priority. The health of our soul is directly proportional to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. “For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world at the expense of the soul?” The condition of our soul should be the number one priority of life, for from its seat flows all of life.

Even though I spent the better part of my life in various denominational and nondenominational Christian churches, I now realize most are unaware, just as I was, of the darkness within their soul and don’t realize it needs to be healed. Most are unaware of their souls' control over their daily lives and overall health. Most are unaware that the darkness of the soul is the breeding ground for spiritual attack and manipulation. Most are unaware that healing the darkness within cultivates more love and light in the soul allowing for greater intimacy with God, divine encounters, miraculous experiences, and the ability to receive and live into their divine destiny as one of God’s kids. I, too, was once unaware. However, now I am asked to share what I have learned through my inner healing to bring awareness so all of God's kids begin taking personal responsibility for the condition of their souls.

As a guest on your show, I will equip your listeners with a new awareness of the soul and why healing from the inside out is a worthwhile and urgent journey to enter willingly. I will share the simple tools and steps I was taught to use as a guide as God heals each soul. Finally, I will encourage and share what I have personally experienced and what I have learned as I have coached others through their inner healing.

I am very passionate about the healing of souls. I am excited about what will happen as believers recognize that the soul right under their noses is the priority and needs healing. It will create a movement and revival in the church unlike any before. The expansion of Love all over the earth will be the byproduct and the catalyst for the remembrance and return to oneness.

I would love the opportunity to be on your podcast to bring more love into the world, one soul at a time!



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