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Neal Holtschulte

“Hi, I'm Neal, science fiction author, distance runner, and teacher of math and computer science. Interested in the future, AI, and humanity”


About Me

I'm a science fiction author published in Amazing Stories magazine. My debut novel Crew of Exiles will be out in October 2022. It's the story of a transcendent being exiled back into a human body, how he copes, and how he recovers his humanity along the way.

More importantly, I'm a student and teacher of the craft of writing, always ready to talk about books and the process of putting words on the page.

I'm a former distance runner (2005 NCAA Div 3 Cross Country National Champion). Running was my identity, a refuge for a small nerdy kid, and I embraced it. It still means a lot to me, but I'm so much more now.

I'm also a varied and sundry nerd with degrees in math and computer science, which I teach at the community college level. I've got a great interview on the topic of the Technological Singularity with The Speculative Sandbox podcast coming out.

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