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Monique Caradine-Kitchens

“Ladies! Stop worrying and stressing about money. It's time for you to live in full-fledged OverFlow! My life's work is to show you how.”


About Me

My name is Monique, I’m a certified money coach to women entrepreneurs and I love what I do! My coaching programs help women ditch the scarcity mindset and confidently create one or more new income streams by showing them how to monetize what they already know.

Years ago, I worked in radio in Chicago and I loved my job. But the truth is, I was overworked and underpaid. Instead of letting what I perceived to be a “low salary” frustrate me, it fueled me. I finally figured out how to create new streams of income doing things I loved and had experience in. I started by adding an additional $500 per month, which turned into an extra $1,000, then $2,000 extra per month.

As I started to better understand money, abundance and purpose I realized that my potential for creating my own thriving economy was limitless. In order to be able to do that consistently and sustain it I had to work on 3 important things:

1.) my money mindset.

2.) my money foundation.

3.) recognizing my goldmine.

This is the work I’ve devoted myself to for the past several years and I’ve helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs create new income streams, get more visibility, own their value, and truly step into their overflow simply by sharing what they have a passion for.

I have several topics that are great for podcast segments:

  • Are your Mother's beliefs about money keeping you BROKE?
  • How to Embrace Your Inner Millionaire: 8 Simple steps to abundant-living
  • Know your numbers! The 5 numbers you should know if you want to be better with money.
  • The 4 types of people who attract money easily. Are you one of them?
  • Who wants to be a DOMINIONAIRE? (Christian-centered)

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