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Miguel Barros

“Migs, moved from Lisbon to London in 2014. With his new EP, he is a storyteller for other youngsters in the city.”


About Me

From Lisbon, Portugal, he finds himself at the beginning of a story that reflects the experience of many young people who uproot themselves and struggle to stay on the right path. Travelling between London and Lisbon, Migs found the value of cultural gaps. The EP explores his experience of adapting to fit in the fast-paced London life, where he found his liberation.

'minimise yourself' opens the EP's narrative by demanding that all people who action any type of oppression towards any individual get out of the scene. The single sees Migs at its most empowering angle as a foreign gay man living in London; with strong 808s, piano keys and playful beats, the rhythm and melody open the EP creating a safe space for one to unapologetically express their queerness. The EP's lead single features a minimalist electro-pop language with distinct playful beats. Migs' signature sounds consist in powerful build-ups that transition into refreshing sections.

‘Being queer saved my life. Often we see queerness as deprivation. But when I look at my life, I saw that queerness demanded an alternative innovation from me. I had to make alternative routes; it made me curious; it made me ask ‘is this enough for me?’

Ocean Vuong.

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