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Michael Thornhill

“Healing & Evolution: Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca, Channeling, Healing Trauma. Here to help inspire, educate and transform your listeners.”


About Me

Hi, I am Michael Thornhill,

I am here to help you and your audience empower your healing, activate your intuition and embody your truth. I am professional channel, plant spirit healer and loving husband. My wife and I run a Multi-dimensional Center for Healing & Evolution here in Peru called Casa Galactica. Here we work with ayahuasca, Amazonian plant medicines, alternative healing modalities and our innate connection with spirit to help you heal and awaken to the very truth of who you are.

I have appeared on the Top 50, "Almost 30 Podcast", amongst other inspiring shows where I have collaborated with hosts to creating unique and empowering conversations to inspire others to heal themselves and evolve.

I am passionate about helping others heal from trauma, connect with spirit and their own innate multi-dimensional abilities.

With the help of plant spirits, I myself have healed from many layers of violent sexual abuse, addiction and trauma, and now dedicate my life to helping others heal themselves and awaken to their true nature.

It would be an honor to create a soul-inspired conversation with you and help educate and inspire your audience to heal, learn and grow.

We feature our guest podcast appearances on our website via our Growth Portal and with our newsletter subscribers.

You can check out our guest interviews in link above.

Topics for Podcast Discussion

  • My own journey of healing from trauma, addiction, sexual abuse, ritual abuse, PTSD, depression, suicidal ideation and more
  • Ayahuasca and traditional use plant medicines of the Amazonian Rainforest to heal the mind, body and spirit
  • Healing of trauma, addiction sexual abuse, ritual abuse and PTSD with plant medicines and other alternative healing modalites
  • The importance of safety, ethics and trauma-informed care in the psychedelic space and with alternative healing modalities
  • Trauma-informed facilitation in ayahausca ceremonies
  • Our transition to a trauma-integrating society
  • Plant spirit communication, how everyone can communicate with plant spirits
  • Activating your own innate intuition.
  • Non-duality and plant medicines and the transition from 3rd to 4th density.
  • Multi-dimensional healing, channeling spirit, connecting with you higher-self and your own spirit team for healing and evolution
  • Channeling to answer you and your audiences most heartfelt questions for healing and evolution
  • Meditation and the power of your own consciousness
  • Self-realization and your infinite beingness
  • Tools and techniques for healing and evolution
  • Healing of the inner-child
  • Working with the unconscious and healing the ego as part of your evolution
  • Non-dual meditation and healing modalities moving beyond separation
  • Plant Spirit Dietas - connecting and learning from plants as teachers
  • Noya Rao - the Enlightened Tree
  • Apprenticing in the Shipibo tradition in the Amazon Rainforest
  • Any other topics that you and your audience may be interested in learning from me!

I can cover as few or as many of these topics in as much or as little depth as you feel would add value to you and your audience. I am here to serve. Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions.


Online Workshops for Your Community

With my wife Jamie, and co-founder of Casa Galactica, we can provide online multi-dimensional workshops for your own private membership communitites. Please contact me to discuss in more detail.

In Service,

Michael Thornhill

Co-founder of Casa Galactica

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