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Michael Joly

“Let's chat about sound, consciousness and how intentional listening can foster peace of mind and improve your audience's mental wellness.”


About Me

I can drive engaged audiences to your show.

With a large email list built the old-fashioned way––by having over 100,000 email conversations, I can tell people who like to hear from me about your show.

What could we talk about? Well...I'm the founder of solu®––maker of the n.o.w.® Tone Therapy™ meditation device. After he heard it, ambient music pioneer Brian Eno wrote "I wish I had thought of that!".

Or we could talk about the intersection of sound, listening and metaphysics, I've been active in these areas for over 30 years.

We could talk about intentional, attentive listening and explore how sound can be a portal to peace and healing. If you'd like, we could do a live "Tone Break" so your audience could experience the meditative effects of Tone Therapy™ on your show.

Sound has led to profoundly positive changes in my life––the kind of changes your listeners could have too.

About n.o.w. Tone Therapy System

n.o.w. Tone Therapy System is a new hardware meditation device that looks like two palm-sized speakers. But to the ears...

...n.o.w. Tone Therapy is an experience of Oneness––a healing of separation that arises from unifying truths heard in the naturally-occurring harmonic series.

Each time Tone Therapy is used, a new composed-in-the-moment pure tone sequence creates an aural ambience that's intriguing, pleasant and safe. n.o.w. Tone Therapy helps guide the listener to a relaxed, meditative state of mind. Reviewers say their mindfulness meditation sessions with Tone Therapy™ are easier, quicker and more effective than with spoken word meditation apps.

Hear a demo of n.o.w. Tone Therapy System. Just listen to pure tones for 3 minutes. Bring your focus back to the tones when the inevitable thoughts enter your mind.

At solu we like to say Tone Therapy is Yoga for Your Mind®, Just listen and hear for yourself.

We can do all this, and more. Please contact me to explore how I can bring a new dimension of sound-beyond-thought to your show––and your listener's lives.

ps...I came into this world listening. My earliest and most significant memories are sound memories. Because I've made a life and career as a sound guy I'm looking for guest appearances on audio-only podcasts. I've found that the work I do, and what I have to say about sound is far more powerful for audiences who hear me on old-school, radio-like, audio-only shows.

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