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Michael Dorfman

“I inform and educate people on the impact that whole plant-based foods have on our health and the health of our planet and its species.”


About Me

Although I was born in New York City, I've lived in Mexico for over 40 years and in San Miguel de Allende for the past six years. I became a vegetarian in 1976 and Whole Food Plant Based 14 years ago. In 2019 I published on Amazon "The Thriving Vegan - How to Discover the Foods your Body Loves. That same year I received certification in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through Cornell University.

At 80, my mission and passion are to inspire and educate people, especially the elderly, on the extraordinary benefits of plant-based foods and healthy lifestyle practices. The benefits include permanent weight loss, prevention and reversal of chronic diseases, stress reduction, correct breathing, and posture improvement. I can also speak about the futility of dieting, the gut microbiome, the pharmaceutical and supplement industries, and how what we eat is connected to the health of our planet and its species., Because of the Standard American Diet, poor lifestyle choices, the overdependence on pharmaceutical drugs, and misinformation regarding our body's incredible power to heal itself, we are getting sicker, nationally and globally. We have accepted chronic diseases and a weakened immune system as a normal process of aging. I believe it's time to change that mindset.

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