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Meredith Angwin

“Learn how closed meetings, arcane auction rules, and five-minute planning horizons will topple the reliability of our electric grid.”


About Me

As a working chemist, Meredith Angwin headed projects that lowered pollution and increased reliability on the electric grid. Her work included pollution control for nitrogen oxides in gas-fired combustion turbines and corrosion control in geothermal and nuclear systems.

She was one of the first women to be a project manager at the Electric Power Research Institute. Her duties included specifying and monitoring research projects in renewable and nuclear energy.

In recent years, she has been studying electric grid oversight and governance. For four years, she served on the Coordinating Committee for the Consumer Liaison Group associated with ISO-NE, her local grid operator. She teaches courses on the electric grid.

She is also an advocate for nuclear energy. Meredith has been keynote or featured speaker at several nuclear events, including keynote at the worldwide Nuclear Science Week in 2018.

She and her husband George live in Vermont. They have two children and four grandchildren, who live in the New York City area.

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