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Matthew Britt

“Now is the time for us to talk about growing food by working in harmony with nature if we want to avoid a giga-famine - focus on solutions”


About Me

Our food supply is in trouble across the earth, we have incredible amounts of wasted lawn space and we're poorly using our resources and energy. If we truly want to create a future full of abundance and freedom, it starts with creating a world where we working in harmony with nature and stop using the poisons in our food systems. There is a better way and I'd love to share that with your audience. We are all facing potentially catastrophic food supply chain issues and we'd better act quickly to create that localized decentralized poison free food supply so we can navigate the next few decades successfully. Now is the time to have these tough conversations, are you ready? If yes, I'd love to speak with you and add value to your show and audience. Let's connect and explore further.

Thank you


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