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Matt Tankersley

“Advancement of human consciousness, personal development, and reduced suffering are intended results of messages I share. #GoldenEra”


About Me

  1. The rule for myself when I talk- It's the "Womp-womp Rule" and it goes like this- I will avoid discussing a womp-womp story or topic unless I have a solution.
  2. I have a bunch of solutions for people.

Here's how I fit in- I've got the hands-on outdoor experience to comprehend Earth's natural harmony and power, and also the "in-the-box" public, collegiate schooling to know how people have been kept from it. Degrees and certificates in Scouting (Eagle- 1996), Art/Design('03), Sustainability('10), and martial arts ('13).

"Necessity is the mother of invention."

"Let's learn and grow together."

There’s more. Let’s chat!

I’ve done my best to put some of these ideas into videos on my MJTankchannel- Rumble, Brighteon, Bitchute, Odysee and others. I’m very Earthy and the computer stuff is not my forté, that’s where you come in.

My online presence accumulates here-

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