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Matt Larson

“I teach parents how to provide long-term emotional wellbeing for their children by focusing on two specific things - oxytocin and cortisol.”


About Me

Matt is a repeat technology startup founder and philanthropist who is committed to giving parents the tools to provide their children with long-term emotional wellbeing, The app that his nonprofit organization, The Human Improvement Project, has developed -- The Happy Child -- is the number 1 parenting app in the world, translated into 15 languages and used in over 150 countries. Matt's focus is putting this 100% free app and other related materials into the hands of as many parents as possible as quickly as possible. Matt's vision is a transformed society. Emotionally healthy children grow up into adults with drastically reduced mental health issues, drug/alcohol addiction, criminal behavior, physical health issues, and poverty because their parents have the skills to effectively manage the child’s positive mental health during formative years and beyond.

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