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Marie Scott

“I am a Functional Medicine Health Coach who is passionate about helping widows and widowers to gain health, humor, love into their lives.”


About Me

I am a Functional Medicine Health Coach who is passionate about helping widows and widowers to gain health, humor, and love back into their lives.

>> Have you experienced the loss of your life partner?

>> Has this led to unhealthy habits?

>> Is your lifestyle void of laughter and love?

Let me help you to make some positive changes.

As someone who lost my beloved firefighter husband just a few years ago from esophageal cancer, I know how difficult it can be to make healthy choices after a loss. If it weren’t for Functional Medicine, I’d be unhealthy and depressed. I’d also be alone and without laughter.

After discovering Functional Medicine as a client, I became passionate about the difference it can make for individuals and earned my Health Coach certification with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy.

Now, I use my knowledge to help widows and widowers reclaim their own lives.

I am living proof of how Functional Medicine can transform a life.

I live well through exercise, meditation, and clean eating. These changes helped me to lose the extra thirty pounds that I had carried around for years. Most significantly, I no longer take prescription meds for blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, or hormones. My pre-diabetes has gone away. 

I laugh more and find something to smile about every single day. Mindfulness, stress reduction, and focusing on happy memories have helped me to have more laughter in my life. And yes, I have even found love again!

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