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Mana Simpson

“I am Mother, Engineer, Wife and Small Business founder. I am an Iranian/Australian currently on assignment in Singapore.”


About Me

I am a female engineer originally from Iran. I lived in Australia for 14 years and am now on assignment with an O&G business in Singapore. I am a mother to a 3 yo daughter and owner/founder of Foxy Beginnings.

When I had my daughter Freyja in 2018, I couldn't find any toys that were sustainable, beautiful and contributed to a meaningful cause, amongst the abundance of plastic on offer. 

 Gender equality, especially in developing countries like Iran where I was born, was always something I wanted to play a part in improving. 

These two desires are how the concept of Foxy Beginnings came to life. A business where dolls are made by women artisans from their homes in the developing world, providing sustained employment and financial independence. 

Whilst being a full time Project Engineer and running Foxy Beginnings. I am also an actress having played a speaking role in the 2019 Australian film “Below”.

Foxy Beginnings supplies our products all over Australia and Internationally.

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