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Mallory Blair

“PhD, Chemist, Founder of 2x4 Nutrition, and Inventor of Nutristack™ Technology”


About Me

Dr. Mallory Blair is a visiting professor at Regis University, with a PhD in analytical chemistry, and over a decade of experience working in technological advances within the liposomal and nutrient space. While in the classroom she dedicates her time to her students, but behind the scenes she has been working on a revolutionary technology that has changed the vitamin and supplement space entirely.

It all started when Dr. Mallory became a mother and started looking for supplements that could aid in her children’s growth, health, and immunity. Unfortunately, she was not satisfied with the efficacy of most solutions as an average person could only absorb 5-10% of the nutrients with traditional supplements. What’s the point?

So she spent over a decade working on a delivery mechanism that could not only protect nutrients from breaking down in the body, but also target delivery to cells that needed them most. With that, Nutristack™ Liposomal Technology came to life; a liposomal delivery system that has been clinically proven to increase nutrient absorption by 15x in comparison to traditional non-liposomal supplements.

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