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Lisa Tully

“A holistic animal practitioner from Ireland I help animals to be their best selves. And they also heal humans along the way in this work.”


About Me

Hello and thanks for checking in!

Through my international practice, I work with all kinds of animals, utilising my skills in zoopharmacognosy, TCM, Five Elements, acupressure, animal communication, and more.

My work & my ethos:

One fascinating area of my work is animals showing me their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances, and providing them with the opportunity to self select the botanicals they need to address these imbalances. By witnessing their natural ability to self-medicate in this way, their human guardians are offered a glimpse into the deep intelligence and intuitive wisdom of the animal kingdom.

In a world that often views animals as little more than simple creatures to be used for human benefit, this kind of work can be a powerful and transformative force. I see it as a call to deepen our connection to the natural world, and to recognise the true value and agency of all living beings.

Animals healing their people:

Another important focus of my work is I've found that to fully heal an animal it's often necessary to take their human into consideration as well. To achieve this, I use human to animal mirroring methods. I act as an emotional detective, identifying any emotional issues that the animal may be reflecting from their human. By addressing these issues in the human, we can often facilitate deeper healing in the animal. It's truly fascinating work, and I have many stories to share on this topic alone!

My story & background:

I hail from Ireland and have had the privilege of living all around the world. During my travels, I studied meditation in India for three years, where I lived in the town where the Dalai Lama resides and attended teachings and retreats. I also spent a year living in the Bolivian rainforest caring for a jungle cat named Milly, who was an ocelot. Additionally, I have studied shamanism with indigenous shamans in Mongolia. These experiences have enriched my understanding of animal healing and have allowed me to incorporate diverse techniques into my work.

Speaking experiences:

My previous experience as a trainer in London, where I taught people how to present, has also been valuable in my work as a speaker. Being Irish I have the gift of the gab and love to talk about animals holistically, practically, and spiritually. I am flexible and can speak on both animal podcasts and human wellness podcasts, and I have a regular radio slot in Ireland.

Please check out my link below to access my complimentary talks and listen to a variety of podcasts and shows. This will give you a feel for my style and allow you to determine if I am the right fit for you and your listeners.

Chat soon!


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