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Leland Holgate

“The Willful Warrior: dedicated to changing the world at the individual and global level, being the change we want to see in others.”


About Me

My name is Leland Holgate Sr, CEO and founder of The Willful Warrior.

I'm an Air Force combat veteran, now studying to be a neuropsychologist with a forthcoming double doctorate, and a breathwork specialist. In the past, I have healed and recovered fully from being a quadriplegic and a paraplegic from 2 separate accidents in 1999 and 2019, cancer, addiction, PTSD and depression. I attribute my ability to overcome all this to breathwork, meditation, yoga, and mindset.

I have many to thank for all this knowledge, but foremost would be Dr. Joe Dispenza, who's meditation practices and pioneering research into the mind and body connection is changing the world.

Using the understanding of the body provided by my knowledge in neuroscience and psychology I have combined a series of breaths, each with it's own set of known effects, to produce a desired final result in the body: a change in brain wave states, activation of the parasympathetic and tuning down of the sympathetic nervous system, and upregulation of gene expression. This acts as a reset button on the processes of trauma, and helps one find their center and return to a state of balance, where they can deal with the challenges of life from a place of harmony, with a coherent brain and heart.

We are teaching people these tools to assist them in their journey of transformation, evolution, and growth. When a single person heals themselves, a family has begun to heal. When families are healed, communities heal. And community is the key to the future.

That is why, with 75% of our net profits, we will be donating directly to organizations, charities, and non-profits that are making a difference.

We are currently partnered with Juvenile Justice Impact, Give to Give to provide them with the abundance to keep making a change.

Finally, we will be funding and conducting scientific research of all kinds to delve into the biological effects of our breathwork. Though there is much done by the greats such as Dr Jack Feldman and Dr Gregory Mitchell, we are looking to expand that field of knowledge. If people know why they're doing something, and the exact effects it causes, it allows them to place more intention behind the act, and get greater results.

Thanks for reading, and I'd love to speak on any and all podcasts to share my story and mission.

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