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Laurent Notin

“The Bottleneck Coach: Getting Entrepreneurs Unstuck - 24 years of experience working with entrepreneurs.”


About Me

Provide your audiences with fresh and thought-provoking content that challenges them to see the bottleneck in their business.

Let's challenge conventional wisdom!

In a world where many believe that cash flow or marketing tactics are the primary risks in business, I bring a thought-provoking perspective.

I firmly believe that being an entrepreneur is a calling. You either have it in you, or you don’t. There's no alternative. Therefore, the most significant risk your business will ever face is YOU, the founder!

Entrepreneurs put their companies in jeopardy when they become what I call the bottleneck in the business. It happens because they are the heart of the business, its engine. This unconventional approach challenges the status quo and opens exciting discussions on the true dynamics of entrepreneurship.

By inviting me as a guest, you ensure your audience engages in compelling conversations that may reshape their perceptions and strategies, all while gaining valuable insights into the entrepreneurial journey.

4 reasons to feature me as a guest:

  • Profound Entrepreneurial Insights: I provide practical knowledge and actionable advice your audience needs to excel at running a business
  • Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Many believe that cash flow or marketing tactics are the primary risks in business. I believe the owners themselves are the most significant risk any business will ever face!
  • International Expertise: Having successfully run a business with 150 people across 3 countries, I possess the experience and the adaptability required to thrive in an international environment.
  • 3 Gifts For Your Audience

If you want to know more about me, visit:

Discover More

The Bottleneck Coach: Getting Entrepreneurs Unstuck | Laurent Notin

Break through barriers and achieve entrepreneurial success with Laurent Notin, The Bottleneck Coach. Get unstuck and thrive in your business with personalized coaching for entrepreneurs.

Are You The Bottleneck In Your Business? Take My Scorecard | Laurent Notin

Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of solely focusing on tackling their company's bottlenecks, but real and lasting business growth begins with addressing your own limitations and beliefs. You might be facing bottlenecks that you're not even aware of. So, don't take any chances and find out your bottleneck score now!

Profile artwork for Laurent Notin
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