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Larisa Vakulina

“My principle in life is - "Everything is Possible when you hear and follow the whisper of your heart and connect to your longing!"”


About Me

Hi, I am Frequency Expert, Consciousness Catalyst, Accredited Energy Healing Practitioner and Energy Ecology Practitioner. I am passionate about helping people in Alignment of Inner & Outer Energy Ecosystems. I am obsessed in helping ambitious and success-driven women to heal their 'success wound' and restore coherency between professional achievements and personal fulfilment and happiness. I am a Show Host.

I have created this podcast for ambitions and success-driven women who despite external success feels a sense of emptiness or lack of fulfilment. Often there is a sense of subtle emptiness lingering beneath the surface. It's a feeling that whispers in the solitude of the moments, a longing for something more profound, more fulfilling. Many experience feelings of guilt or inadequacy for not feeling fulfilled despite her achievement and craves deeper connections and meaning in her life but isn't sure how to attain them given her busy schedule.

You're not alone! Many accomplished women like yourself grapple with this paradox – the stark contrast between outward success and inner fulfilment. But here's the truth: true fulfilment extends far beyond the boardroom. It transcends the confines of professional accomplishments and monetary gains.

Imagine a life where success isn't just measured by the numbers on a balance sheet, but by the richness of your experiences, the depth of your connections, and the authenticity of your journey. Feel a reality where each day is infused with purpose, passion, and a profound sense of meaning – where your personal and professional pursuits align harmoniously to create a life of true abundance.

Just a quick reminder: The tips and insights we share on this show are for general informational purposes only and aren't a substitute for professional medical advice. We're not doctors or health professionals, and we strongly recommend that you consult with a healthcare provider for any health-related questions or before making lifestyle changes based on our discussions. By tuning in to this podcast, you agree not to use our content as medical advice.

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As a Professional Energy Healing Practitioner and Energy Ecology Practitioner, I help others to heal internal and external imbalances, emotional and environmental stressors that keep hindering your potential and life's purpose and hence health, happiness, joy, true success and abundance in all forms.

Rise Stronger, Shine Brighter, Thrive in Life's Challenges

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