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Kristin Svets

“Being grounded while empowered with possibility, I share steps on how to create a mindset to feel more centered and happier .”


About Me

Kristin Svets is a Certified Life Coach and Mindfulness Teacher, working with driven women to move past overwhelm, figure out "what's next," and create more happiness in both their personal and professional lives. As a woman in the middle season of life, she has parented two boys into their teenage and college years, she has journeyed through a variety of wellness paths to maintain her health, and she has always been a student of personal development. Mindset work is her greatest passion. Being grounded and calm in the chaos is her greatest gift. Meditation, breath work, yoga, and journaling have always been where she feels most at home and finds peace. She strives to share her insights with as many people as she can serve through speaking, writing, and connection.

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