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Profile artwork for Konrad Cichawa

Konrad Cichawa



About Me

Hey Hey.

Konrad here.

A little backstory about me in a nutshell… (why do we use that word again?)

Born and raised in the country full of Polish people – Poland. In an unknown 3rd biggest city – Lodz.

At age 20, shortly after enrolling in college as an aspiring IT student, I decided that college and the whole traditional education system is not for me. No, I was not forced 😀

Against the seemingly better judgment of everyone around me I chose hardcore travels (or should I say – vagabonding) as my school of life.

And lemme tell you – what a school that was…

First, hitchhiked and pitched a tent around Iceland (mostly legally *wink wink*) for a full month. Slept in awe-inspiring places (see photo on the left), bathed in ball-burning hot springs, and practiced the art of survival. The key word being – survival.

I was a green-headed novice at the time…keep in mind it was the first time I’ve done any of that stuff.

“What we do NOW, echoes in eternity” – Maximus (Gladiator)

Not too long after that, I decided to take my adventure-seeking talents to South America, starting in Chile.

South America was recommended to me as the most secure place on Earth (I jest, of course) and Chile was a random point on the map that my finger decided to pick.

While it’s quite tough to summarize 6 months of hitchhiking, volunteering and wandering around X, Y and Z in a couple of sentences…I hope you’ll appreciate the effort :D.

I spent the first part of the 6-month voyage volunteering in couple of places – trying to a) learn Spanish b) figure out what to do and where to go.

After roughly 2 and a half months, my Polish friend Peter (street name: Siwy) joined my company and together we went off into the wilderness of Chile, Argentina and Paraguay.

The big theme during these months was…*wait for it*… patience.

Two men trying to catch a car-hike is not a recipe for fast-paced transit.

Other than that “problem”, nothing but great people, great experiences and great memories.

Finally….(I hope you can spot the pattern of knuckle-headedness already) together with the same friend cycled (on a bicycle, yes) from Mexico to Colombia. Well, to Panama, and then sailed from Panama to Colombia.

Definitely the hardest, yet most rewarding adventure of my life. If I had to assign a keyword it would be endurance/grit.

Again roughly for 6 months we slept around in a tent, more often on gas, firefighter and police stations, than on nice camping grounds.  


At the end of that last trip I decided that I should stop running away from “life” and dip my toes into business…

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