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Kirk Martin

“Kirk delivers practical ideas with humor. Learn how to get your kids to listen the first time while building a close, trusting relationship.”


About Me Founder and Calm Parenting Podcast host Kirk Martin has shown almost 1,000,000 parents how to stop the yelling, defiance, and power struggles with the most strong-willed children. Kirk is known for very practical strategies and scripts delivered with humor and compassion. Learn how to get your kids to listen the first time while building a close, trusting relationship.

Here are some questions that will get the discussion rolling:

- What made you first discover that YOU needed to change instead of trying to change your son?

- Why do you say that the quickest way to change your child's behavior is to first control your own?

- How do you de-escalate situations? Can you give us an example? (I will tell a story about my son yelling at my wife, which is a big trigger for guys).

This story will prompt A LOT of discussion.

- What are a couple ways to respond when a child is being defiant?

- How do you help a child who struggles with anxiety over going new places or to school?

- What are some common ways to stop power struggles when kids push your buttons?

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