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Kilroy Williams

“I stand by my beliefs. The word of God. I have a passion to encourage and help others and believers in Christ.”


About Me

Speaking The Truth From Jesus Christ

In 2006 I nearly died of a Brain Aneurysm. God had other plans.

He saved me from dying. Why? To join his Angel of Armies. Speaking the truth

I am a compassionate conservative Bible believing Christian.

My passion is to spread the message to God's people to

wake up and save our nation. I want to encourage people

during this very difficult time that our nation is facing now and

in the daily lives of people. I want to share ideas with others who have this same passion. We all need to be in God's army.

The more that join together. The more God's message will go out.

I stand up what is right by the word of God our Lord Jesus Christ.

Encouraging Christians to stand up for Jesus

Listen to the truth from The Lord Jesus.

Help the hurting to heal.

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