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Kaj Smit

“I want to inspire people and motivate them with my story, my lessons and my method on how to stay positive and how to see improvements”


About Me

Two months after my 18th birthday on May 12th, 2021, I suffered a cerebral haemorrhage. I was rushed to hospital where my parents were told that I would have a 5% chance to survive the night, and if I did, I would have a 95% chance to be in a vegetive state for the remainder of my life.

One year later I am walking, I am driving a car and a bicycle , I am studying for my school exams.  Everything the doctors said I would never do again.

Now I want to inspire people with my story and the lessons I learned, to help them to overcome their fear and insecurity

 If you like this or you would like to know more. Please contact me:

 Mail: [email protected]

 Phone: +31 0615102952




 Kaj Smit

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