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Joyce Fields

“I am the author of 10 books (mostly non-fiction), in nine different genres!! BE INSPIRED by the GOOD, SHORT BOOKS at!!”


About Me

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Joyce is a retired Executive Assistant and now resides in Arcadia, California. She started her career as a stenographer at a major utility company. Joyce and her husband celebrated 53 years of marriage on June 3, 2020. They have two grown sons, eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. She and her husband have been together for more than 63 years--since they were both 13 years old. Joyce is the author of 10 books, mostly non-fiction, and she is also a professional proofreader. Her mission statement is: "I write books that inspire people on their journey to make the world a better place." 

Her books are available at and  

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