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Josh Greene

“I'm building a tech company that believes authentic human connection powers our best work (and lives).”


About Me

At Groove, we believe authentic human connection powers our best work (and lives). We’re working to help people everywhere and anywhere to craft their own totally unique, groovy lives through the support of each other.

As the co-founder and CEO, I’m building on my passion for community to help transform the way people on wavy career paths (solopreneurs, freelancers, creatives) can find support and human connection to help them accomplish great things.

I spent much of my early career studying meditation while freelancing as a strategy and innovation consultant. My goal was (and is) to find a more refined version of myself to help the world.

I believe in work-life harmony — how we work shapes how we live, and vice versa. I experienced this firsthand as an exec at WeWork in the office of the CEO working across the business.

The world has changed, as well as our traditional work systems. Groove is here to support the next generation of independent workers as they break open the ideas of how we can connect and work on energizing projects. The future of work is in our hands.

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