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Joseph Goins

“We are bridging the gap between education and industry with career readiness tools that close the equity gap and strengthen communities.”


About Me

Focused on innovation in education, Dr. Joseph Goins’ career began as a Vocational Educator in the state of Tennessee and has continued to innovate academic and commercial spaces alike. Dr. Goins would go on to further his education in the state of Tennessee, earning a MS in administration and supervision (University of Tennessee), and an EdD in educational leadership and policy (Vanderbilt University) for a broader view of the challenges facing, and potential of, modern education. He has developed foundational skills programs for learners with the Tennessee Board of Regents, occupational profiles for a work-ready credential, and a statewide basic skills/mathematics curriculum focused on career pathways. Dr. Goins has built upon his desire to integrate innovation into education in everything he has done, promoting academic achievement, educator effectiveness, and outcome-driven leadership strategies.

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