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Johnny FD

“I'm featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BBC on Location Independence, Minimalism & travel as a Millionaire Digital Nomad.”


About Me

I left San Francisco in 2008 with nothing but the the money I got from selling my car, and have traveled and lived in 50+ countries since. 

From having less than $1,000 in my bank, today I have close to $1,000,000 in liquid net worth invested, all from starting, running, scaling and selling location independent businesses as an entrepreneur.

To get my start I fought Muay Thai Kickboxing professionally and was a Scuba Instructor and Divemaster in Thailand.

Now I travel carry on only, live as a minimalist, invest and have achieved F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early)

I've lived in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Poland, Canary Islands, Spain, Portugal, Bali, Malaysia, San Francisco, Austin, Los Angeles, and love talking about travel, remote working as a digital nomad, and lifestyle design.

I'm the Founder of the Nomad Summit, digital nomad conference and have over 53,000 subscribers on Youtube.

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