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John McGlothlin

“A former paratrooper helping others conquer the challenges of everyday life”


About Me

With his experience as a soldier, professor, and writer, John is uniquely positioned to reveal the hidden side of the military and how it can make life easier for anyone. Behind the well-told stories of leadership and combat is a culture that encourages looking inward and developing traits key to fulfillment and success no matter the circumstances.

After nearly a decade as an intelligence professional and paratrooper, John left the full-time Army to attend law school. When he rejoined the regular workforce and began teaching legal and ethical reasoning, he realized there was an important gap in what classrooms and workplaces provide us. At its best, the military fills that gap like no other organization by training and developing people to be the best version of themselves. 

Using a mix of research and first-hand experience, McGlothlin explains this culture and how to apply it in his new book: How to Deal with Damn Near Anything: The Paratrooper’s Guide to Life.

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