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Joe Balestrino

“Digital Marketing Expert & Author With Nearly 2 Decades of Helping Online businesses of all sizes.”


About Me

As a digital marketing expert, I've worked for agencies, freelanced, and owned an agency. I've been interviewed by news organizations such as NBC, CNBC & NPR. My expertise is in Google Ads and SEO.

Some of my clients include Muscle and Fitness, Adweek, Barton Bands, Readers Digest, and many others. I'm a published author on digital marketing and e-commerce.

My career has been built educating business owners on digital marketing, how it works, and why it may not be working for them.

I started professionally in 2004 teaching myself SEO. I would blog about my findings and I created a podcast that helped me launch my first agency.

I also speak about automation and how it can help grow a business faster.

(I wrote a book that did not sell many copies, but still, generated over $50k in business for me - ask me how)

I can offer your listeners a free Google ads audit or a copy of my e-commerce marketing book.

To learn more about me please visit my website or check out my Linkedin profile.

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