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Jim Curtis

“I've had two different careers--one in Russian literature and the other in rock and roll. I love creatvity in all its forms!”


About Me

I"ve had two very different careers. I';ve enjoyed both of them and both of them mean a lot to me.

The obvious career, if I can put it like that, is that I was a professor of Russian. I had a PhD in Russian from Columbia University and taught Russian for 31 years at the University of Missouri, in Columbia Missouri. I've travelled to Russia many times and have some special insights about religion and the war in Ukraine that I would like to share with people.

I"ve been writing a lot lately, and have three books that I would like to talk about: "Stalin's Soviet Monastery.": "The Colherence of the Russian Classics," which is due out in September; and the book I'm working on now--"Anton Chekhov, the Anxious Playwright."

But these books are not just about Russia and Russian LIterature.. I have new ideas on interpreting history and literature that apply to American as well. And here's why:

And then there's my other career in rock and roll. The thing is, I grew up in Elvis Presley's hometown of Tupelo, Missisippi, and saw him perform live there. It was a life-changing experience, and resulted in my books on rock and roll: "Rock Eras" and "Decoding Dylan."

Althlugh I'm a fan of rock and roll, I am also interested in creativity. It turns that there are some life patterns that are common in the lives of painters and rock stars, for example.

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