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Jenny Stiven

“I bring fandoms and their content owners together for a lifelong digital relationship!”


About Me

#Spendingthetime - building a community that lasts - with fandoms should always be our goal as digital content creators and marketers.

I started in the digital space in 1992 - genuinely by accident - researching online for a TV production, and realizing, THIS medium is where I want to be! I have been hooked on producing digitally ever since. Since my formative years were defined by such geek/sci-fi properties as Star Wars, Aliens, Star Trek, Stargate (all the "Stars-"!), I have found my bliss working in this arena.

After 10 years of learning the ropes - digitally speaking - on programming, coding, producing, content, writing, marketing, site builds, media buys, the works, I created Clio Consulting in 2004 to act as an “inside” digital marketing resource for entertainment companies.

I have worked with numerous digital agencies in executive roles producing groundbreaking and award-winning campaigns for Fortune 500 entertainment & gaming clients. A long relationship with 20th Century Fox and MGM enabled me to become a geek influencer (behind the scenes!) in the digital and social space – with the Star Wars properties, the James Bond franchise, Predator franchise, Stargate franchise, Alien franchise, the Whedon-verse, and multiple TV franchises.

In 2015, I shifted over to solely working with my first love - geek properties, content, and fandoms. This is where I have always wanted to be - at the crossroads of geek properties and content! I work with both the IP owners and creators to help them learn how to communicate, interact, and most of all, build a long-lasting relationship with their fandoms. In addition, I provide guidance on the best partnerships with leading strategic products and influencers, so that the IP owners and/or fandoms, are setting the right tone for their franchise.

I am the lucky geek gal that gets to play in this digital sandbox!

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