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Jen McFarland

“Calm, confident voice of wisdom for women entrepreneurs. Topics: leadership, digital marketing, marketing operation, Peace Corps.”


About Me

Jen McFarland is a passionate and compassionate champion of entrepreneurs, founders, and business owners. She has more than 25 years of experience in leadership, digital marketing, and strategic project planning across corporate, nonprofit, and government environments.

Now, as CEO of Women Conquer Business, she consults with businesses on configuring marketing software, systems, and processes to suit their unique growth needs.

A natural teacher and gifted speaker, Jen runs workshops and gives presentations on a wide variety of topics germane to improving business leaders’ soft skills, including time management, dealing with uncertainty, improving communication, managing remote teams, and digital marketing.

She also shares her business and leadership knowledge on the Women Conquer Business podcast.

She is a speaker, teacher, leader, and visionary for the business community who loves dad jokes, building seamless systems, and helping people find more joy in their work.

I share all my podcast appearances on my Media page.

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